libnum factordb
- 安装指令:pip install libnum
- 使用场景:进制转换、打素数表等等
- function list, here are common used functions:
- converting
- s2n(s:string/bytes) -> int
- n2s(n:int) -> bytes
- math
- nroot(x, n) -> truncated n'th root of x
- gcd(a, b, ...)
- lcm(a, b, ...)
- xgcd(a, b) -> (x, y, g) for
- invmod(a, n) & has_invmod(a, n)
- solve_crt(remainders:list, modules:list)
- nCk(n, k) -> number of combinations
- factorize(n) -> dict (factors)
- factorial(n)
- ECC: todo
- converting
数据类型转换 ¶
In [ ]:
from libnum import s2n, n2s, s2b, b2s
from gmpy2 import log2
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
s = "012abc"
s2n(s), bytes_to_long(s.encode()) # (52987856773731, 52987856773731)
n2s(num), long_to_bytes(num) # ('012abc', b'012abc')
s_num = s2n(s)
len_in_bits(num), log2(num) # (46, mpfr('45.590727008691232'))
s2b(s), "".join([bin(ord(c)) for c in s])[2:] # ('001100000011000100110010011000010110001001100011', '1100000b1100010b1100100b11000010b11000100b1100011')
s_bin = s2b(s)
b2s(s_bin), "".join([chr(int(s_bin[i:i+8], 2)) for i in range(0, len(s_bin), 8)]) # ('012abc', '012abc')
from libnum import s2n, n2s, s2b, b2s
from gmpy2 import log2
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
s = "012abc"
s2n(s), bytes_to_long(s.encode()) # (52987856773731, 52987856773731)
n2s(num), long_to_bytes(num) # ('012abc', b'012abc')
s_num = s2n(s)
len_in_bits(num), log2(num) # (46, mpfr('45.590727008691232'))
s2b(s), "".join([bin(ord(c)) for c in s])[2:] # ('001100000011000100110010011000010110001001100011', '1100000b1100010b1100100b11000010b11000100b1100011')
s_bin = s2b(s)
b2s(s_bin), "".join([chr(int(s_bin[i:i+8], 2)) for i in range(0, len(s_bin), 8)]) # ('012abc', '012abc')
Out[ ]:
(b'012abc', '012abc')
获取素数 ¶
获取不大于 n 的所有素数generate_primes(n)
获取长度为 n bits 的素数factorize(n)
In [36]:
little_num = 101
littlelittle_num = 11
to_be_factorized = 564587462423644586312345678908654325263456667
primes(little_num), generate_prime(littlelittle_num), factorize(to_be_factorized)
little_num = 101
littlelittle_num = 11
to_be_factorized = 564587462423644586312345678908654325263456667
primes(little_num), generate_prime(littlelittle_num), factorize(to_be_factorized)
([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101], 1733, {264547984673890083312604955351805711413: 1, 13093: 1, 163: 1})
当然,大数分解质因数还得看 factordb 。
pip3 install factordb-python
yafu 分解失败;libnum 分解了 6 min 还在跑;
sage 分解用时 53 s 左右:
2^4 * 3^2 * 31 * 61 * 223 * 4013 * 281317 * 4151351 * 339386329 * 370523737 * 5404604441993 * 26798471753993 * 25866088332911027256931479223 * 64889106213996537255229963986303510188999911
factordb 很快就给出了答案:
$ factordb 86996212681241632736002800575690656430715184784
2 2 2 2 3 3 31 61 223 4013 281317 4151351 339386329 370523737 5404604441993 26798471753993 25866088332911027256931479223 64889106213996537255229963986303510188999911