01 Propositional Logic
I Introduction¶
I.1 base notations¶
Our first building block is the notion of a proposition, which is simply a statement which is either true or false.
For example:
Notations we should know:
- Conjunction(合取): P∧Q (“P and Q”). True only when both P and Q are true.
- Disjunction(析取): P∨Q (“P or Q”). True when at least one of P and Q is true.
- Negation(取反 / 否): ¬P (“not P”). True when P is false.
- Implication(蕴涵词): P ⇒ Q (“P implies Q”). This is the same as “If P, then Q.”**
- two-way implication p↔q
(Detailed reason omission)
- quantifiers: The universal quantifier ∀ (“for all”) and the existential quantifier ∃ (“there exists”).
We often write a proposition in the form of something like (∀x ∈ Z)(∃y ∈ Z)(x < y)
- equivalent is something like:
- ¬(P∧Q) ≡ (¬P∨ ¬Q)
- ¬(P∨Q) ≡ (¬P∧ ¬Q)
Of course, these two formulas should be remembered since they tell us how to negate conjunctions and disjunctions
- about P→Q, the truth table is shown below:(
stands for F while1
stands for T)
P | Q | P→Q |
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
- about P↔Q, the truth table is shown below:(
stands for F while1
stands for T)
P | Q | P↔Q |
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
- We say that a sentence A entails another sentence B if in all models that A is true, B is as well, and we represent this relationship as A ⊨ B.
I.2 proposition formula¶
(穷举定理我们在 02-Proof 中的 "Proof by Cases" 部分中将会使用到)
I.3 logical equivalence¶
当命题 \(A\longleftrightarrow B\) 是重言式时,称 A 逻辑等价于 B,记作 \(A\equiv B\)。
实际上,符号 ⊨ 也是,但是打不出来,所以一般用 \(\equiv\) ;
逻辑等价:任何赋值情况下,A 和 B 都等值。
I.3.1 important logical equivalence¶
I.4 logical implication¶
当命题公式 A \(\to\) B 是重言式时,则称 A 逻辑蕴涵 B ,记作 A⊨B。
公式 A 的所有成真赋值都是公式 B 的成真赋值。
即任何赋值情况下,只要 A 为真,则 B 为真; \(A \equiv B\) 即为 \(A⊨B \land B⊨A\) 。
I.4.1 important logical implication¶
I.5 The important properties of logical equivalence and logical implication¶
I.6 ways to proof¶
I.7 priority of operations¶
1. 括号 ():无论在哪个领域,括号始终具有最高的优先级,用于改变默认的优先级顺序。
2. 非 ~ !:在逻辑运算中,否定(逻辑非、位非)通常具有较高的优先级。
3. 与 ∧:这包括逻辑与(AND
II signs in latex¶
符号 | ¬ | ∧ | ∨ | → | ↔ |
latex 公式 | \neg | \wedge | \vee | \to | \leftrightarrow |
III Practice¶
We need a lot of insight into propositions rather than just grasping concepts
For every real number k, there is a unique real solution to \(x^{3}\) = k.
(∀k ∈ R) (∃x ∈ R)(x 3 = k)∧(∀y,z ∈ R)(((y 3 = k)∧(z 3 = k)) ⇒ (y = z)) .