cs188 - sp24¶
中文 | English
Based on the course code license, directly runnable code has been removed. Project explanation notes are retained. No responsibility is taken for forked repositories.
This repository contains notes and self-study materials for UC Berkeley's CS 188 Spring 2024. Theoretically, all the materials you need to study this course can be found here and in the provided external links. The projects are from ai.berkeley.edu.
- Notes: Primarily based on the original course notes1, with my own thoughts and formatting added. You can read these notes on my blog. However, for a better viewing experience, it's recommended to use Obsidian. See Usage - Reading.
- Self-study materials: Since some of UC Berkeley's recent courses require CalNet Authentication Service, for ease of future study, I've archived the materials I consider necessary for self-study in this repository. Due to uncertainty about how to request permission for redistribution, if this project has any adverse effects on the original course and its related projects, please contact me to remove it.
- If you are familiar with search algorithms, have a good understanding of ML/DL/RL concepts, and wish to explore some small project files, you can directly work on the projects.
Table of Contents¶
- Intro
- Search
- Multi-Agent Search
- Logic and Classical Planning
- Ghostbusters
- Machine/Reinforcement Learning
- 18-Iteration
- 19-Navie_Bayes
- 20-Perceptron
- 21-Regression
- 22-Neural_Networks
- 24-Reinforcement_Learnin
- project5/6 No explanation provided.
- project 6 - Q7 code is complete, but the training results are very poor and there's nowhere to debug, so I gave up.
- course_page
- The course website's calendar, for easy reference on how to self-study.
- disc
- Relevant discussion problems and their solutions.
- origianl_note
- The original course notes. Theoretically, reading my notes above should suffice.
- project
- original_zip
- The original project source code.
- intro_page
- Archived page files of the lab documentation.
solution- Reference code (moved to
- Reference code (moved to
- original_zip
- gradecode
- 4VK322.
Based on the course code license:
# Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for
# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
# solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
# attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to http://ai.berkeley.edu.
Directly runnable code has been removed. Project explanation notes are retained. No responsibility is taken for forked repositories.
Using git¶
Download everything directly¶
Partial Download¶
If you only want the notes, projects, or another individual folder, you can use DownGit. Just enter the URL of the target folder within this git repository.
For a good reading experience from scratch, you can look here. A simplified version for lower requirements is as follows:
- Get Obsidian.
- Import Markdown.
- Click the top-right corner to enter reading view.
Firstly, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of my translations. Secondly, reading on the web/Obsidian already allows the use of many plugins to aid reading, see Reading/Writing Articles. Thirdly, my energy is limited, and I apologize for not being able to completely create a full Chinese reading environment for CS188. ↩