
1 pipeline

ISA review

Instruction Set Principles

  • type of internal storage:
    • stack
    • accumulator
    • register

GPR: General Purpose Register TOS: Top Of Stack

Risc-V (RR): - To apply arithmetic operations - Load values from memory into registers - Store result from register to memory - Memory is byte addressed - Each address identifies an 8-bit byte - Words are aligned in memory - Address must be a multiple of 4 - RISC-V is Little Endian - Least-significant byte at least address

  • RISC-V ISA designed for pipelining
    • All instructions are 32-bits
      • Easier to fetch and decode in one cycle
      • c.f. x86: 1- to 17-byte instructions
    • Few and regular instruction formats
      • Can decode and read registers in one step
    • Load/store addressing
      • Can calculate address in 3rd stage, access memory in 4th stage
    • Alignment of memory operands
      • Memory access takes only one cycle

Format of instructions

  • Six Basic Instruction formats (similar to MIPS, but optimized)
    • Reduce combinational logic delay
    • Extend addressing range

No subtract immediate instruction,Just use a negative constant - addi x8, x9, -1

Address mode

  • immediate addressing
  • register addressing
  • base addressing
  • PC-relative addressing

Classes of pipelining

  • The pipelining needs the pass time and the empty time
    • Pass time: the time for the first task from beginning (entering the pipelining) to ending.
    • Empty time: the time for the last task from entering the pipelining to have the result.

single & multi

  • Single function pipelining
    • only one fixed function pipelining (just like five-stages pipeline we will learn)
  • Multi function pipelining
    • each section of the pipelining can be connected differently for several different functions.

static & dynamic

  • Static pipelining
    • In the same time, each segment of the multi- functional pipelining can only work according to the connection mode of the same function
    • 也就是说,只有这一功能实现完毕后才能够切换;考虑流水线充满和排空的时间,如果反复切换功能,效率非常低。
  • Dynamic pipelining
    • In the same time, each segment of the multi- functional pipelining can be connected in different ways and perform multiple functions at the same time

linear & nonlinear

  • Linear pipelining
    • Each stage of the pipelining is connected serially without feedback loop. When data passes through each segment in the pipelining, each segment can only flow once at most.
  • Nonlinear pipelining
    • In addition to the serial connection, there is also a feedback loop in the pipelining
    • Initial conflit vector -> conflict vector -> state transition graph -> circular queue -> shortest average interval

关于做题,放在 PBFX - Linear and nonlinear pipeline

order & disorder

  • Ordered pipelining
    • In the pipelining, the outflow order of tasks is exactly the same as the inflow order. Each task flows by sequence in each segment of the pipelining
  • Disordered pipelining
    • In the pipelining, the outflow order of tasks is not the same as the inflow order. The later tasks are allowed completed first

An Implementation of Pipelining

单纯从理解流水线来看,我们的流水线 CPU 应该是:

Single-Cycle Datapath to the Pipelined Version

从单周期 CPU 的架构,试图将多条指令分阶段进行“并行”:






但是对于同一个部件(例如寄存器,同时写入和取出可能会发生错误;同时我们需要同时存储 5 条指令所需要的内容(例如写入寄存器的地址、控制信号,我们使用 pipeline registers 来保留它们:





上面的 datapath 在执行一些指令的时候还是有可能存在问题的;例如,在一个 ld 指令中,我们从 inst 中获取了 WB 的目标寄存器,但是在上图中丢失了,我们可能需要将这个寄存器地址不断向后传:

当然,针对不同的指令我们对于在 datapath 上可能“走向不同的分路”,这就需要控制信号,伪代码如下:


Understand Pipelined Control Signals


ld x10, 40(x1)
sub x11, x2, x3
add x12, x3, x4
ld x13, 48(x1)
add x14, x5, x6


Multiple-Clock-Cycle Pipeline Diagram of Five Instructions

Traditional Multiple-Clock-Cycle Pipeline Diagram

Single-Clock-Cycle Pipeline Diagram

Review of control lines


上图表示,在 ID 阶段我们通过解码指令获取 7 条控制信号,两条用于 EX 阶段、三条用于 MEM 阶段、两条用于 WB 阶段。

最终形成的 Pipelined Datapath with the Control Signals

Performance evaluation of Pipelining

Throughput (TP)

注意单位是 \((n/p/m)s^{-1}\)

实际上各阶段的用时并不相同,用时最长的为瓶颈阶段,其用时为: \(\Delta t_{0} = max(\Delta t_{1}, \Delta t_{2} \dots, \Delta t_{m})\)


  • 将瓶颈阶段进一步细分为可以流水线操作的更小阶段 (Subdivision)
  • 重叠执行不同指令的瓶颈阶段 (Repetition)

Speedup (Sp)


Efficiency (η)


How Pipelining Improves Performance?

  • Decreasing the execution time of an individual instruction ×
  • Increasing instruction throughput


Structal Hazards

A required resource is busy -> Use Instruction and data memory simultaneously.

  • Problem: Two or more instructions in the pipeline compete for access to a single physical resource
  • Solution
    • Instructions take it in turns to use resource, some instructions have to stall
    • Add more hardware to machine (Can always solve a structural hazard by adding more hardware)

Data Hazards (important in sysII)

Data Hazards

Data dependency between instructions, need to wait for previous instruction to complete its data read/write -> Instruction depends on result from previous.

  • Problem: Instruction depends on result from previous.

Solution 1: "Stall"

Wait for several cycles.

How to stall?

NOP instruction: addi x0, x0, 0



Solution 2: “forwarding”

Adding extra hardware to retrieve the missing item early from the internal resources.

EX hazard
  • if (EX/MEM.RegWrite and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs1))
    • ForwardA = 10
  • if (EX/MEM.RegWrite and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs2))
    • ForwardB = 10
MEM hazard
  • if (MEM/WB.RegWrite and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs1))
    • ForwardA = 01
  • if (MEM/WB.RegWrite and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs2))
    • ForwardB = 01
Double Data Hazard

作为特殊的 MEM hazards 处理。

Forwarding Conditions

Detecting the Need to Forward:


When can we forward?

Multiple-Clock-Cycle Pipeline Diagram of Five Instructions 中表现为:可以向左下方传递,但是不能向右下方传递(如 load-use data hazard

Solution 3: "Double bubble"

Control Hazards ( 期末不用太管 )

Flow of execution depends on previous instruction.

Solution 1: "Stall"


Solution 2: "Prediction"

预测分支的跳转情况: - 简单:总是认为(不)发生跳转; - 复杂:分析,如果是往低地址,大概率需要跳转; - 动态:记录历史跳转情况。

Solution 3: "Delayed Decision"

branch 前的无关指令移动到 branch 之后的 bubble 处(分支延迟槽)执行,减少为了等待而插入的无意义 bubble 代码

pbfx - control hazards

Multiple Issue

ILP: Instruction-Level Parallelism.

  • Pipelining: executing multiple instructions in parallel. To increase ILP
    • Deeper pipeline
      • the number of segment in a pipelining is called the depth of the pipeline.
      • Less work per stage -> shorter clock cycle
    • Multiple issue
      • Replicate pipeline stages -> multiple pipelines
      • Start multiple instructions per clock cycle
      • CPI < 1, so use Instructions Per Cycle (IPC)
        • E.g., 4GHz 4-way multiple-issue
        • 16 BIPS, peak CPI = 0.25, peak IPC = 4
    • But dependencies reduce this in practice

Comparison of the spatiotemporal diagrams ( 时空图 ) of instructions executed by single-issue and multiple-issue processors

Two types of multiple-issue

  • Static multiple issue
    • Compiler groups instructions to be issued together
      • it must remove some/all hazards
    • Packages them into “issue slots”
      • no dependencies with a packet
    • Compiler detects and avoids hazards
      • pad with NOP if necessary
  • Dynamic multiple issue
    • CPU examines instruction stream and chooses instructions to issue each cycle
      • avoiding structal and data hazards
    • Avoids the need for compiler scheduling
      • Compiler can help by reordering instructions
    • CPU resolves hazards using advanced techniques at runtime (Speculation, i.e. Guess)
      • allow cpu to execute instructions out of order to avoid stalls
      • but commit result to register in order
    • why not just let the compiler schedule code ?
      • not all stalls are predicable
      • can't always schedule around branches
      • Different ISA implementation
  • But Multiple Issue not works as much as we’d like:
    • Programs have real dependencies that limit ILP
    • Some dependencies are hard to eliminate
      • e.g., pointer aliasing
    • Some parallelism is hard to expose
      • Limited window size during instruction issue
    • Memory delays and limited bandwidth
    • Hard to keep pipelines full

Two types of multiple-issue processor

  • Superscalar
    • The number of instructions which are issued in each clock cycle is not fixed. It depends on the specific circumstances of the code. (1-8, with upper limit)
    • Suppose this upper limit is n, then the processor is called n-issue.
    • It can be statically scheduled through the compiler, or dynamically scheduled based on Tomasulo algorithm.
    • This method is the most successful method for general computing at present.
  • VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word)
    • The number of instructions which are issued in each clock cycle is fixed (4-16), and these instructions constitute a long instruction or an instruction packet
    • In the instruction packet, the parallelism between instructions is explicitly expressed through instructions
    • Instruction scheduling is done statically by the compiler
    • It has been successfully applied to digital signal processing and multimedia applications


  • Each pipeline stage is further subdivided (like deeper pipeline)
  • Multiple instructions can be time-shared in one clock cycle

For a super-pipelined computer that can flow out n instructions per clock cycle, these n instructions are not flowed out at the same time, but one instruction is flowed out every 1/n clock cycle.

