Padding oracle attack
填充预言机攻击(Padding Oracle Attack)¶
攻击原理 ¶
填充预言机攻击的核心在于分组密码的填充机制。在分组密码中,数据被分成固定大小的块进行加密。如果数据不足以填满最后一个块,就需要添加填充。常见的填充标准如 PKCS #5
和 PKCS #7
攻击者可以通过观察系统处理填充错误的方式来推断出关于加密数据的信息。例如,如果系统在填充错误时返回不同的错误消息 1,或者处理时间有显著差异,攻击者就可以利用这些信息来逐步推断出原始数据或加密密钥。
攻击步骤 ¶
攻击条件 ¶
要成功进行填充预言机攻击,必须满足以下条件: - 攻击者能够获取到密文和初始化向量。 - 系统在处理填充错误时必须有可观察的行为差异,例如不同的错误消息或处理时间差异。
CTF 实例 ¶
记:从题目中获取的 IV 为 IV,而之后交付给解密函数 / 服务器的、附在 ciphertext 之前的为 attack_IV;真正的明文为 P,而解密函数 / 服务器解密 attack_IV+ciphertext 后的明文记作 P_ 。
老思路 ¶
在 ctf 101 短学期课程中,其实已经学习过 padding oracle attack,但是我当时的理解有缺陷,思路如下
由此解出 P,依次类推,得到下面的攻击函数:
def padding_oracle_attack(encrypt_msg):
gus = set()
IV = encrypt_msg[:16]
print("IV: ", IV)
ciphertext = encrypt_msg[16:]
block_size = 16
# 16 字节一组
blocks = [
ciphertext[i : i + block_size] for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), block_size)
# print(blocks)
plaintext = b""
for block_index in range(len(blocks)):
# 决定 "IV"
if block_index == 0:
previous_block = IV
previous_block = blocks[block_index - 1]
current_block = blocks[block_index]
# print("current_block: ", current_block)
decrypted_block = bytearray(16)
for byte_index in range(block_size - 1, -1, -1):
attack_IV = bytearray(16)
padding_value = block_size - byte_index
# print(padding_value)
for i in range(block_size - 1, byte_index, -1):
attack_IV[i] = decrypted_block[i] ^ padding_value
# print(attack_IV)
for guess in range(256):
attack_IV[byte_index] = guess
attack_ciphertext = attack_IV + current_block
if decrypt(attack_ciphertext):
decrypted_byte = guess ^ padding_value
decrypted_block[byte_index] = decrypted_byte
# previous_block 发挥的是 IV 的功能
plaintext_block = xor_bytes(decrypted_block, previous_block)
plaintext += plaintext_block
# 将gus 变为列表并排序
return plaintext
但是,这道题要求访问次数为 0x2024,约 8000 次;而我们这样需要 \(256*32 =8192\) 次;即便不是每次都要到 256 才结束,我们假定是 128 次;又因为题中
def decrypt(msg: bytes):
global cout
cout += 1
IV = msg[:16]
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
decrypted = cipher.decrypt(msg[16:])
return unpad(decrypted) ^ (random.random() > 0.1)
返回结果对 padding valid 的判断进行了 0.9 概率的翻转,所以我们需要多试几次才能够保证某一次的 padding valid 是否正确。这导致次数要为原来的 10 倍,那么我们的次数远远不够了。
新思路 ¶
我们为什么要执着于解出 D ? ciphertext->decryptedtext 这一过程总是不变的,也就是说 D 是不变的。我们想让 P[-1]=b"\x01" ,可以推导:
IV[-1]^D[-1]=P[-1] # =>
IV[-1]^P[-1]^P_[-1]^D[-1]=P[-1]^P[-1]^P_[-1] = P_[-1] # 即 b'\x01',所以只需要遍历 P[-1] ,构造 attack_IV 即可
这个思路能够将我们遍历的目标由 attack_IV 变为 P,即 256->|M| ,其中 M 代表明文空间;又由题意可知,我们的明文空间 M={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f} ,那么次数就够了:
def padding_oracle_attack(encrypt_msg):
IV = encrypt_msg[:16]
ciphertext = encrypt_msg[16:]
block_size = 16
blocks = [
ciphertext[i : i + block_size] for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), block_size)
# print("blocks: ", blocks, len(blocks))
full_plaintext = b""
for block_index in range(len(blocks)):
if block_index == 0:
attack_IV = bytearray(IV)
attack_IV = bytearray(blocks[block_index - 1])
current_block = blocks[block_index]
plaintext = bytearray(16)
for byte_index in range(block_size - 1, -1, -1):
padding_value = block_size - byte_index
# print("padding_value: ", padding_value)
for i in range(block_size - 1, byte_index, -1):
attack_IV[i] = IV[i] ^ plaintext[i] ^ padding_value
# print("attack_IV: ", attack_IV)
for pf in b"0123456789abcdef":
attack_IV[byte_index] = IV[byte_index] ^ pf ^ padding_value
attack_cipher = attack_IV + current_block
# print("attack_cipher: ", attack_cipher)
if padding_decide(attack_cipher):
plaintext[byte_index] = pf
# print("plaintext: ", plaintext)
IV = current_block
full_plaintext += plaintext
return full_plaintext
from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from padding_oracle import padding_oracle_attack
pad_length = 16
pad = lambda msg: msg + (chr(pad_length) * (16 - len(msg) % 16)).encode()
unpad = lambda msg: bytes([msg[-1]]) * msg[-1] == msg[-msg[-1] :]
def handOutMsg(message):
print("hand out ing .............")
con.sendafter(b"Quit", b"2\n")
con.sendafter(b"Give me message", message.encode() + b"\n")
def sendAttackCiphertext(attack_ciphertext):
# 将attack_ciphertext 由 bytearray 转为可发送的数据类型
attack_ciphertext = attack_ciphertext.hex().encode()
con.sendafter(b"2. Quit", b"1\n")
con.sendafter(b"Give me ciphertext", attack_ciphertext + b"\n")
respon = con.recvuntil(b"1. Decrypt").decode()
return respon
except EOFError:
print("Connection closed unexpectedly")
return None
def padding_decide(attack_ciphertext):
times = 16
responses = [sendAttackCiphertext(attack_ciphertext) for _ in range(times)]
# 超过一半的返回值为False,则返回True
if sum(1 for resp in responses if "False" in resp) > times / 2:
return True
elif sum(1 for resp in responses if "True" in resp) > times / 2:
return False
raise ValueError("padding_decide error")
context.log_level = "debug"
con = connect("", 61600)
encrypt_msg = con.recvuntil(b"\n")[:-1] # remove the last '\n'
encrypt_msg = bytes.fromhex(encrypt_msg.decode())
# exit()
recovered_bytes = padding_oracle_attack(encrypt_msg)
print("recovered_bytes", recovered_bytes)
recovered_message = recovered_bytes.decode("ascii")
print("recovered_message: ", recovered_message)
更加通用的脚本 ¶
from string import printable
def padding_oracle_attack(
encrypt_msg: bytes, padding_decide, plaintext_set=printable
) -> bytes:
IV = encrypt_msg[:16]
ciphertext = encrypt_msg[16:]
block_size = 16
blocks = [
ciphertext[i : i + block_size] for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), block_size)
full_plaintext = b""
for block_index in range(len(blocks)):
if block_index == 0:
attack_IV = bytearray(IV)
attack_IV = bytearray(blocks[block_index - 1])
current_block = blocks[block_index]
plaintext = bytearray(16)
for byte_index in range(block_size - 1, -1, -1):
padding_value = block_size - byte_index
for i in range(block_size - 1, byte_index, -1):
attack_IV[i] = IV[i] ^ plaintext[i] ^ padding_value
# the char set of plaintext
plaintext_set = [ord(c) for c in printable]
for pf in plaintext_set:
attack_IV[byte_index] = IV[byte_index] ^ pf ^ padding_value
attack_cipher = attack_IV + current_block
if padding_decide(attack_cipher):
plaintext[byte_index] = pf
print("plaintext: ", plaintext)
IV = current_block
full_plaintext += plaintext
return full_plaintext
一般来说,如果密文没有被篡改,则解密成功,并且业务校验成功,响应 200;如果密文被篡改,服务端无法完成解密,解密校验失败,则响应 500;如果密文被篡改,但是服务端解密成功,但业务逻辑校验失败,则可能返回 200 或 302 等响应码 , 而不是响应 500↩