基础格密码 ¶
) 。
在上面的文章中,得到一个公式:我们知道,密钥的安全性其实基于 \(fh \equiv g \pmod r\),也即是 ( 取 fh=g+pr) 。
构造格基矩阵 M,我们倾向于:\(\vec{v}\cdot M=\vec{w}\) 其中 M 为已知,w 为需求量,v 中可以未知。
为了简单,我们用 sage 中的 LLL 算法解决它;由于使用 LLL 算法需要满足使用 LLL 规约需要满足 Hermite theorem:\(||v||\leq\sqrt{n}det(L)^{\frac1n}\),其中 ||v|| 表示格基的数量积,n 为维度,det(L) 为格 L( 矩阵 ) 的行列式,我们引入 k 来进行调节。
def NTRU_solver(h, p, c, k=1):
from sage.all import *
""" simple NTRU solver """
""" k is used for satisfing the condition of LLL, namely Hermite theorem """
def decrypt(f, g, c):
a = c * f % p
return a * pow(f, -1, g) % g
L = matrix(ZZ,[[1, k*h], [0, k*p]])
# L.LLL()
w = L.LLL()[0]
f, g = abs(w[0]), abs(w[1])//k
return decrypt(f, g, c)
from secret import flag
import libnum
bits = 2048
while True:
q = random_prime(2^bits, lbound=2^(bits - 1))
f = random_prime(2^(3*bits//4 - 1))
g = random_prime(2^(bits//4 - 1))
if gcd(f, q*g) == 1:
h = f.inverse_mod(q) * g % q
r = random_prime(2^(3*bits//4 - 1))
m = libnum.s2n(flag)
assert m < 2^(bits//4)
c = (r * h + m) % q
print('q = %d' % q)
print('h = %d' % h)
print('c = %d' % c)
q = 24445829856673933058683889356407393860808522483552243481673407476395441107312130500945533047834993780864465577896968035259377721441466959027298166974554621753030728893320770628116412892838297326949997096948374940319126319050202262831370086992122741039059235809755486170276098658609363789670834482459758766315965501103856358827004129316458293962968758091319313119139703281758409686502729987426264868783862562150543872477975124482520151991822540312287812454562890993596447391870392038170902308036014733295394468384998808411243690466996284064331048659179342050962003962851315539367769981491650514319735943099663094899893
h = 4913183942329791657370364901346185016154546804260113829799181697126245901054001842015324265348151984020885129647620152505641164596983663274947698263948774663097557712000980632171097748594337673511102227336174939704483645747401790373320060474777199502879236509921155985395351647045776678540066383822814858118010995298071799515355111562392871675582742450331679030377003011729873888234401630551097244308473512890467393558048369156638425711104036276296581364374424105121033213701940135560177615395895359023414249846471332180098181632276243857635719541258706892559869642925945927703702696983949003370155033272664851406633
c = 23952867341969786229998420209594360249658731959635047659110331734424497403162506614140213749790708068086973241468969253395309243550869149482017583754015801740198734485871141965939993554966887039832701333623276590311516052334557237678750680087492306461195312290860900992532859827406262394480605001436094705579158919540851727801502678160085863180222123880690741582667929660533985778430252783414931317574267109741748071838599712027351385462245528001743693258053631099442571041984251010436099847588345982312217135023484895981833846397834589554744611429133085987275209019352039744743479972391909531680560125335638705509351
稍加验证发现 Hermite 不满足;为此,我们需要设置好 k 来使得条件满足,这里 n=2;如果 k 的范围把握不准,爆破一般也是可以的,因为我们爆破的往往是指数,即:
o = 1200
# for s in range(o-50, o+50):
for s in [1200]:
m = NTRU_solver(h, q, c, k=(1<<s))
flag = bytes.fromhex(hex(m)[2:])
if b'flag' in flag:
print(flag) # b'flag{7c95453a-e577-40d8-9ad0-993655b83b69}'
经典的背包加密问题,格密码笔记(二) 讲的很清楚了。
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
q = 264273181570520944116363476632762225021
key = os.urandom(16)
iv = os.urandom(16)
root = 122536272320154909907460423807891938232
f = sum([a*root**i for i,a in enumerate(key)])
assert key.isascii()
assert f % q == 0
with open('flag.txt','rb') as f:
flag =
cipher =,AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(pad(flag,16)).hex()
with open('output.txt','w') as f:
f.write(f"{iv = }" + "\n")
f.write(f"{ciphertext = }" + "\n")
iv = b'Gc\xf2\xfd\x94\xdc\xc8\xbb\xf4\x84\xb1\xfd\x96\xcd6\\'
ciphertext = 'd23eac665cdb57a8ae7764bb4497eb2f79729537e596600ded7a068c407e67ea75e6d76eb9e23e21634b84a96424130e'
如果令 \(f = m*q\),那么 \(S = mq,M = root^i (i \in range(16)),\vec{v} = key\) 。
这样我们解出来的 t = (x0, x1... x15) ,不需要再变换了。
from sage.all import *
q = 264273181570520944116363476632762225021
r = 122536272320154909907460423807891938232
k = 1<<q.bit_length() # k 其实很大(1<<1024)也是可行的
v = [k*ZZ(r)**i for i in range(16)]
L = block_matrix([
[identity_matrix(16), Matrix(ZZ, 16, 1, v)],
[zero_matrix(1, 16), Matrix(ZZ, 1, 1, [k*q])]
t = L.LLL()[0]
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
iv = b'Gc\xf2\xfd\x94\xdc\xc8\xbb\xf4\x84\xb1\xfd\x96\xcd6\\'
ciphertext = bytes.fromhex('d23eac665cdb57a8ae7764bb4497eb2f79729537e596600ded7a068c407e67ea75e6d76eb9e23e21634b84a96424130e')
key = "".join([chr(t[i]) for i in range(16)]).encode()
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
print(unpad(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), 16))
# b'moectf{th3_first_blood_0f_LLL!@#$}'
但是我在使用上面的思路做下面 cryptohack 上的问题时失败了:
cryptohack Backpack Cryptography
import random
from collections import namedtuple
import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime, bytes_to_long, inverse, long_to_bytes
FLAG = b"crypto{??????????????????????????}"
PrivateKey = namedtuple("PrivateKey", ["b", "r", "q"])
def gen_private_key(size):
s = 10000
b = []
for _ in range(size):
ai = random.randint(s + 1, 2 * s)
assert ai > sum(b) # trapdoor
s += ai
while True:
q = random.randint(2 * s, 32 * s)
if isPrime(q):
r = random.randint(s, q)
assert q > sum(b)
assert gmpy2.gcd(q, r) == 1
return PrivateKey(b, r, q)
def gen_public_key(private_key: PrivateKey):
a = []
for x in private_key.b:
a.append((private_key.r * x) % private_key.q)
return a
def encrypt(msg, public_key):
assert len(msg) * 8 <= len(public_key)
ct = 0
msg = bytes_to_long(msg)
for bi in public_key:
ct += (msg & 1) * bi
msg >>= 1
return ct
def decrypt(ct, private_key: PrivateKey):
ct = inverse(private_key.r, private_key.q) * ct % private_key.q
msg = 0
for i in range(len(private_key.b) - 1, -1, -1):
if ct >= private_key.b[i]:
msg |= 1 << i
ct -= private_key.b[i]
return long_to_bytes(msg)
private_key = gen_private_key(len(FLAG) * 8)
public_key = gen_public_key(private_key)
encrypted = encrypt(FLAG, public_key)
decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, private_key)
assert decrypted == FLAG
print(f"Public key: {public_key}")
print(f"Encrypted Flag: {encrypted}")
不难发现问题本身是和前面相似的,但是使用和之前一样的脚本解出来的格基没有能够恢复明文的量;如下改进 1(针对二进制编码)后可行:
from sage.all import *
pk = [...] # public_key
n = len(pk)
k = ceil(sqrt(n) / 2)
dense = 1/2
pk = [k*p for p in pk]
c = 45690752833299626276860565848930183308016946786375859806294346622745082512511847698896914843023558560509878243217521
E = identity_matrix(ZZ, n)
M = block_matrix(QQ, 2, 2,
[E, matrix(QQ, n, 1, pk),
matrix([dense for _ in range(n)]), matrix(QQ, [k*c])])
L = M.LLL()
# print(L)
for j, e in enumerate(L):
if e[-1] == 0:
msg = 0
isValidMsg = True
for i in range(len(e) - 1):
ei = abs(e[i] - dense)
if ei != 1 and ei != 0:
isValidMsg = False
msg |= int(ei) << i
if isValidMsg:
print(f"{j}th: {e}")
# crypto{my_kn4ps4ck_1s_l1ghtw31ght}
复现 ¶
RaRCTF 2021 Snore¶
参考资料 ¶